Sunday, 11 August 2013

Wansford exchange "under evaluation"

The BT Openreach "when and where" site has Wansford listed as "under evaluation" for fibre based broadband, as a consequence of Connecting Cambridgeshire BDUK project.

Castor and Elton are also listed, but the Northants exchanges haven't popped up yet.

To benefit from the fibre to the cabinet service your phone line needs to be fed through a cabinet, as many are in Nassington, Sutton, Wittering, Yarwell etc. Many in Wansford are fed from the exchange direct, and won't benefit, but they already have fairly fast service available. At some point there may be other solutions for direct lines, depending what the local projects choose to do.

Being on an exchange with a fibre capability doesn't guarantee you a fibre based service, as the people of Water Newton know - they are a long way from their exchange (Ortons) and do have a small cabinet but the number of properties is small and so far the BT commercial rollout has passed them by. It will be interesting to see if Connecting Cambridgeshire addresses Water Newton - a slow spot with less than 2M broadband on a commercially enabled fibre exchange.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your great post. I am happy to see your post. It will be helpful to me.
    Fibre to the cabinet
